Kasey Carmona
1 min readJan 12, 2021

1–11–21 | Hands

Tonight, I am feeling my favorite part of pregnancy — the tiny little hands of my son pushing from within me.

I rub my hands gently over my protruding belly only to be greeted by my son’s delicate fingers.

It is incredible, really, to think in a few short weeks those same fingers will wrap around mine.

With Teddy, it felt like I knew his hand so well; when he was born, it was the first thing I remember getting emotional over. I’m so excited to finally get to know CJ in this way too.

I often think of the children’s song about hands. The one where you go through your entire family and then sing “He’s got the whole world in His hands”.

Yes, yes, he does. I’m confident He has my whole world, your whole world, the entire world in His great loving hands.

How freeing! How remarkable! I can hold my sons hand from within the womb, he can feel me, know me and together we know we are in greatest hands of all — Love Himself.

Kasey Carmona

Wife to Cort. Mama to two boys. One with HLHS. Welcome into our journey of heart and hope.